04. Who PMs work with


Who PMs work with

ND036 C1 L1 05 Who PMs Work With



ND036 C1 L1 05.1 Who PMs Work With


Who PMs work with Quiz 2

True or False: PMs will get all insights and requirements to successfully build a product from the research team.


Who PMs work with Quiz

Which of the following are teams that PMs may work with:

  • Design
  • Research
  • Engineering
  • TPM / PgM
  • QA
  • Data Science
  • Marketing
  • PR
  • Sales
  • Support
  • Legal & Privacy
  • Policy
  • Ops
  • i18n

Who PMs work with Summary


PMs work with pretty much everyone on the team. Here are some of the most common functions that PMs work with:

Team Role
Design design what the product looks like
Research provide market, user, and product insights
Engineering build and maintain the product
TPM / PgM keep the team on schedule
QA make sure the product works
Data Science product insights from data and experimentation
Marketing explain the product to users
PR explain the product to the media
Sales sell the product
Support help users use the product
Legal & Privacy reduce the product’s risk
Policy create rules for how the product can be used
Ops help deliver the product to users
i18n get the product to additional countries and languages